
臨床試験ID : UMIN000048111
情報提供元 : 大学病院医療情報ネットワーク研究センター
試験名 : Megaprosthetic reconstruction of distal femur with short residual proximal femur following resection of bone tumor: a systematic review
試験の概要 : To investigate the risk of postoperative function and complications in patients with short residual proximal femur after resection of a distal femoral bone tumor, we performed a systematic review of studies reporting functional results and complications in patients with short residual proximal femur after reconstruction of a distal femoral bone tumor with custom-made megaprosthesis, APC and CPS implant.

基本情報       患者さん一人一人の状況に応じた判断が必要ですので、詳しくは診療を担当している医師にご相談ください

対象疾患名 bone tumor


試験のフェーズ 該当せず
試験進捗状況 試験終了
公開日・最終情報更新日 2023/06/20


年齢・性別 問わない 男女両方
選択基準 Only studies reporting functional results and complications regarding megaprosthetic reconstruction of distal femur with short residual proximal femur following resection of bone tumor were included.
除外基準 (1) Studies in which reconstruction was performed in patients without short residual proximal femurs were excluded. Studies that performed reconstruction in patients with short residual proximal femurs and did not specify both functional results and complications were also excluded. (2) Only English- and Japanese-language literature was included, with no restriction on the year of publication.


実施責任組織 奈良県立医科大学
問い合わせ先組織名 奈良県立医科大学
部署名・担当者名 整形外科
電話・Email 0744223051 shinji104@mail.goo.ne.jp


試験の種類 該当無し
介入の目的 該当無し
主要な評価項目・方法 mechanical survival where the endpoint was set to implant removal for any reason


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(c) 国立研究開発法人国立がん研究センター